Benefits of Coaching with Kim:
- Gain crystal clarity in what works for you and your body
- Build unstoppable confidence in your ability to create the body you love to live in
- Erase confusion about weight loss, hormones and food
- Love your plan so much that it is absolutely effortless
- Never have weight loss as a New Year's Resolution again
What would you do if you never had to worry about your weight again?
It's time to stop the endless cycle of dieting and struggling with your weight.
I work with my clients 1:1 to ensure you achieve lasting weight loss and discover the confidence, self-love, and happiness you desire.
I started dieting when I was 14. I was self conscious about my body and started forcing and punishing it to be better. The older I got, the harder it became to manage my weight.
I repeatedly tried to white knuckle my way through the next program, always hoping this would finally be the thing that worked for me. I thought running was the answer, but when 6 miles wasn’t enough, I’d go 13.1, and eventually 26.2. Then I thought hot yoga was the answer: sweat it off, as frequently and as hard as possible. Next, it was OrangeTheory HIIT workouts most days of the week..
I would lose a few pounds, but would always revert to old habits when life got overwhelming. Losing weight sounded good, but by the end of a long day, chocolate and wine sounded better. I would gain the weight back (and then some.) I would backslide until I start hating myself again, and then would shame myself into the next fad diet.
Here's the thing: It doesn't have to be this hard. I was making it hard by trying to find the answers and the program that I needed to follow to make my body look how I wanted it to look. I was forcing myself to do things that didn't feel good in an effort to feel better.
I had it backwards. Once I started to understand my body, create a healthy relationship with food, exercise and self-care, build sustainable, nourishing, enjoyable habits, and overcome emotional eating...THEN I started to feel better. When I started to feel better, my body reflected that too.
Life coaching allows you to change from the inside out. No more punishment, overwhelm or uncertainty. Learn to love yourself well.
When you know how your body works and how to work with your body, you never have to 'start over' again.
Weight loss is a hormone game.
But you're the one in charge.
Changing your hormones is a process and it takes practice. So often we start a diet and we think those 50 lbs we gained over the last 3 years will vanish overnight. When success doesn't happen like that, we get frustrated and give up.
We hold onto and lose weight in 5 lb ranges. It is not linear, it takes patience and awareness.
I teach you how to lose the weight and how to be patient. I teach you how to lose weight 5 lbs at a time.
Once you lose 5 lbs, then you can lose 50.
By going through the process to lose 50 lbs, you understand with certainty how you created that and how to maintain it.
I take you through my process to become the person who never has to worry about her weight again. Become the person who understands her body, how to take care of it and how to make it look and feel exactly as she wants.
This is not overnight success, but it is lasting success.
I was searching for a magic “fix-everything” pill.
I sought guidance everywhere: yoga teachers, professional mentors, friends, books, experts. I went to counseling. I switched jobs. I began focusing on my yoga practice and even became a yoga instructor. There is beauty and benefit in each of these things, but none of them changed my life in the way I hoped.
I couldn't "run off" the pounds.
I learned how to have a permanent exercise routine that supports my health and brings me joy. I thought I wanted to look better in order to feel better, but the opposite is true. I learned to love myself and my body, to respect rather than punish my body, and to care for my whole health in a balanced and loving way. Losing weight is just science. Personal growth and fulfillment is about so much more.
I felt powerless to change my own life.
Through self-reflection and evaluation, I learned how to clean up my mind in order to take control of my life. I learned how to achieve and easily maintain my ideal weight within my busy lifestyle. I learned how to identify and manage stressors in my life.