Work with Me

My name is Kim Askey Strasser.

I am a life coach and I help women end the weight loss struggle and lose weight for the last time.

If weight loss was simple, none of us would struggle with it. Weight loss can be complicated, overwhelming and frustrating. And then our hormones start changing and we feel hopeless.

Here's the deal: it does not have to be that hard. Yes, your hormones have changed. Yes, this has impacted your metabolism.

But you are in charge of both. I'll show you how to balance your hormones, get in charge of your metabolism, and learn to love your body, love yourself, and have confidence that you'll stay in charge regardless of what life throws at you.

I'll take you from confused to confident.

I'm Ready to Lose Weight for the Last Time

Jason & JoDee

"Our lives are completely different now. We look at food and how we fuel our lives in a whole new way. It's like magic. I stick to my plan because I don't want to disappoint Kim, but she continues to teach me that it's really me I am doing this for. We have a whole new perspective on how we live our lives and it's really empowering. I have successfully quit my diet soda habit and am off of insulin after 8 weeks!"


"My experience through her...program made me look at things differently to create real needed change that aligned perfectly with my goals. Her approach is to ask questions to uncover my needs and create relatable tasks that facilitate improvement in areas of focus. Our discussions were enlightening, as I learned many new techniques that I can implement in multiple facets of my life. Our sessions facilitated thoughtful discussion in my family and has opened our potential to achieve a goal that I did not think was attainable. She is approachable, relatable, knowledgeable and helps make hard habit changes fun! Thank you Kim!!"


"I love the new me because I now know how easy it is. I no longer get mad. I have confidence in myself that I won’t fail again. I see the number on the scale getting smaller and I use that as motivation to keep going. The reward is totally worth it."

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Listen to what Anita had to say about her experience with Kim

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